Week by Week of Pregnancy
8 Weeks Pregnant
At 8 weeks pregnant, your embryo is growing rapidly, now the size of a kidney bean, with developing facial features, hands, and feet. Common symptoms include fatigue, mood swings, nausea, frequent urination, and changes in body appearance like darker nipples. Self-care and maintaining a positive mindset are key this week. Remember, every pregnancy is different, so consult your healthcare provider if any concerns arise.
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7 Weeks Pregnant
At 7 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the size of a blueberry, with key organs formed and rapid growth underway. You may experience symptoms like fatigue, nausea, mood swings, and bloating, along with new symptoms such as dizziness, increased vaginal discharge, and breast changes.
This week, consider setting up a regular exercise routine (walking, yoga, swimming) and organize questions for your healthcare provider.
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6 Weeks Pregnant
At 6 weeks pregnant, your embryo is about the size of a corn kernel and undergoing rapid development, including the formation of major organs, facial features, and limbs. This week marks the development of a detectable heartbeat, although it may not be visible on ultrasound. Common symptoms include nausea, fatigue, mood swings, frequent urination, and bloating. To stay healthy, stay hydrated, avoid chemicals, and be cautious with tasks. This week is crucial for your baby's growth, and ongoing self-care is essential.
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5 Weeks Pregnant
Week 5 of pregnancy marks the beginning of the second month and brings with it a range of physical and emotional changes for the expectant mother. This week, many women may experience symptoms such as the absence of a period, hormonal shifts, mood swings, and increased breast tenderness. Some may also struggle with food aversions or cravings. These symptoms can vary widely, so it’s important to remember that every pregnancy is different.
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4 Weeks Pregnant
Week 4 of pregnancy is the first month of pregnancy. There are a few symptoms and body changes that you may be experiencing.
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