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11 Weeks Pregnant

11 Weeks Pregnant

Written by: Alice Turner


Time to read 4 min

11 Weeks Pregnant

Week 11 is the third week of your third month of pregnancy. In this blog, we're going to be talking about 11 weeks pregnant baby development, what symptoms and body changes you might be experiencing, and how to manage these.

We are also going to talk about the things that you might want to be thinking about and doing when you are 11 weeks along. 

11 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

As we talk about symptoms and body changes, the most important thing to note is that there's a wide range of symptoms that you can experience. You might experience all the possible pregnancy symptoms on my checklist, or none, or somewhere in between, and that's totally okay.

Our 11 weeks pregnant symptom checklist is very similar to week 10, and it's quite extensive. Common symptoms include:

  • Fatigue

  • Mood swings

  • Heightened taste and smell

  • Nausea and vomiting 

  • Frequent urination

  • Dizziness and lightheadedness

  • Bloating and constipation

  • Increase in vaginal discharge

Now, in your 10th week, you might be seeing your clothes being a little bit tighter around the middle area. You will need to weed out some pants, or use the rubber band trick to make the ability to wear those a little bit longer.

Just like symptoms, everyone's body doesn't change at the same rate, and you might notice that if it's not your first pregnancy your body's changing a little bit quicker this time around.

Please note that there's a wide range of symptoms that you can experience. You might experience all the possible pregnancy symptoms on my checklist, or none, or somewhere in between, and that's totally okay.

The most important thing to know is, if you ever have any concerns about a symptom or change with your body, don't hesitate to reach out to your care provider. It might be your general practitioner, your OBGYN, or a midwife.

11 weeks pregnant

11 Weeks Pregnant Baby Development

What is happening with the baby's development this week? Here are your baby’s milestones this week:

  • Fetus is about the size of a plum or measuring approximately 1.6 to 2.4 inches in length.

  • Organs are continuing to develop and mature.

  • You probably can't feel any of the baby's movements, but they are happening this week.

  • Fetus is starting to stretch, and flex, and kick inside your uterus.

  • Fetus has the formation of tooth buds that will eventually develop into the baby's teeth.

  • Baby's head is still about half of the length of its body.

  • Their eyes are set wide apart and their ears are set lower than they will be at birth.

11 Weeks Pregnant

11 Weeks Pregnant To Do List

Think: Baby Names

Maybe you've already been brainstorming about your baby’s name, but if not, this is something fun to think about. And if you have a Feel, Think, and Do pregnancy journal , you'll find a spot in the planning section in the back to keep track of all your ideas.

Think: Older Kid Plan

If this isn't your first pregnancy, it's never too early to think about what you need to do to prepare for a new baby. Do you need to make changes at home? What kind of preparation is needed now? 

Do: Rest

It's a great time to focus on rest. Do you have a bedtime routine ? Following a bedtime routine can help you get more rest and better rest. It's great for both you and your growing baby. Now, if you enjoy falling asleep to gentle music, there’s an 8 hour video that you can listen to for sleep, it's great for pregnancy.


Products Featured In This Blog

I am thrilled to announce our first trimester sponsor, Three Lollies. If you aren't familiar with The Three Lollies brand, you might recognize their most popular product Preggy Pop Drops . 10 weeks pregnant is a great time to have these on hand. I remember when I was pregnant for the first time and I didn't know when that nausea was going to hit, Preggy Pop Drops are a natural solution to this challenge.

The Preggy Pop Drops come in four yummy flavors, they're all natural and drug-free. There's sour raspberry, green apple, sour lemon, and sour tangerine.

I love that you can grab a package of 21 for just $5 on Amazon. Now this is an affordable way to be prepared for the symptoms that you might face in the first trimester. With 21 pieces that means you can have these close by when you feel that wave of nausea hit.

I would probably put seven of them in my purse, seven in the car, and seven at my desk. So thank you Three Lollies for helping us in the first trimester and thank you for supporting childbirth education.


If you're following along in our Healthy Pregnancy Book , homework for this week is to check out Pages 6 and 8 . This has really good information on what prenatal appointments in your future are going to look like, and I look forward to meeting you right back here for week number 12.

alice turner doula

The Author: Alice Turner

Alice is a doula and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator who is passionate about helping families have a postivie birth experience. She is dedicated to childbirth education online and through the Birth Toolbox YouTube channel. When not talking about pregnancy and birth you can find her hiking, sking and walking in nature with her husband and 4 kids.

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