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12 Weeks Pregnant

12 Weeks Pregnant

Written by: Alice Turner


Time to read 4 min

12 Weeks Pregnant

If you're wondering 12 weeks pregnant is how many months, well week 12 is the fourth week of your third month of pregnancy . In this blog, we're going to be talking about baby development at 12 weeks, symptoms and body changes you might be experiencing, and how to manage those as well. We will also talk about things you might want to be thinking about and doing this week.

12 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

As we talk about symptoms and body changes, the most important thing to know is there's a wide range of symptoms that you can experience. You might experience all the possible pregnancy symptoms, or none, or somewhere in between, and it's totally okay.

As you near the end of this first trimester , here are things that you might notice:

  • The common symptoms that you've been experiencing aren't around this week.

  • You might see an end to food aversions, nausea and vomiting.

  • Your senses might also return to a normal level this week.

  • This could be the week your clothes might be already getting a little bit tighter. You might have already put away some things that just don't fit anymore.

  • If this isn't your first pregnancy, you might notice that your body is changing a lot quicker this time around.

12 Weeks Pregnancy Symptoms

But just like everyone that doesn't experience the same symptoms, everyone doesn't experience the same body changes. But if you ever have any concern about a symptom or a body change, don't hesitate to reach out to your care provider which could be your general practitioner, or your OBGYN, or Midwife.

12 Weeks Pregnant Baby Development

What's happening with the baby's development this week? Here are their milestones at 12 weeks pregnant :

  • Size . Fetus is about 2.1 to 2.5 inches (53 to 64 mm) in length. It measures about the size of a lime.

  • Bones, teeth, and nails. The baby's bones begin to harden and their tooth buds continue to form, which will become the baby's teeth. Nails are forming on their fingers and toes as well.

  • Facial profile is more defined. Another cool development at 12 weeks is with their facial features. They now have the ability to squint and frown, and smile in response to stimuli.
12 Weeks Pregnancy Baby Development

12 Weeks Pregnant To Do List

Do: Dental Visit

It’s surprising to many people that pregnancy takes a toll on your teeth and gums. As a result, preventative cleanings and annual exams are highly recommended when you're pregnant. 

The increase of hormones can cause your gums to swell and bleed, and trap food, which can lead to gum disease. It’s a situation which has been linked to preterm birth. So don't put these appointments off until after pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend routine oral health assesments and say that cleanings and dental x-rays are safe during pregnancy. 

Think: Education

While it's not time to start taking a childbirth class it's a great time to start thinking about it. Childbirth education can help take the fear out of labor and birth. It builds your virtual toolbox skills for your journey to birth as well.

I recommend that you check in right now with your insurance company to see if they cover a class or if they reimburse for a class. I'm going to share more about the online childbirth classes that I teach ahead in the next few weeks, if that's of interest to you.

Products Featured In This Blog

I am thrilled to announce our first trimester sponsor, Three Lollies. If you aren't familiar with The Three Lollies brand, you might recognize their most popular product Preggy Pop Drops . 12 weeks pregnant is a great time to have these on hand. I remember when I was pregnant for the first time and I didn't know when that nausea was going to hit, Preggy Pop Drops are a natural solution to this challenge.

The Preggy Pop Drops come in four yummy flavors, they're all natural and drug-free. There's sour raspberry, green apple, sour lemon, and sour tangerine.

I love that you can grab a package of 21 for just $5 on Amazon. Now this is an affordable way to be prepared for the symptoms that you might face in the first trimester. With 21 pieces that means you can have these close by when you feel that wave of nausea hit.

I would probably put seven of them in my purse, seven in the car, and seven at my desk. So thank you Three Lollies for helping us in the first trimester and thank you for supporting childbirth education.


No homework this week, but I do have a request. If you've been following along the week-by-week updates with me, and enjoying them, could you consider sharing them on social media or in a bump? Group shares go such a long way to get my advocacy out into the world. I really appreciate your help and I look forward to meeting you right back here for week number 13.

alice turner doula

The Author: Alice Turner

Alice is a doula and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator who is passionate about helping families have a postivie birth experience. She is dedicated to childbirth education online and through the Birth Toolbox YouTube channel. When not talking about pregnancy and birth you can find her hiking, sking and walking in nature with her husband and 4 kids.

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